SafeHaven Disinfection Services 

Copy of Copy of Essential Mission_ (1)
Essential_ Protecting our front line heros

IMG_7834Studies show that SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can survive on hard surfaces for up to 3 days.
Traditional spray-and-wipe cleaning is critical, but it is labor intensive and subject to human error.

SafeHaven's expert technicians use advanced
electrostatic sprayers to efficiently apply a uniform
layer of disinfectant that begins killing the virus
on-contact and eliminates 99.99% within 10 minutes.

Our preferred disinfectant, ProKure V, is EPAProKure V

registered for use against SARS-CoV-2, plus many more
germs that cause illnesses. It is approved for use on food
contact surfaces. It won't damage furniture or
equipment, and it doesn't leave any chemical residue.


First Responder Medium (1)Serving all essential services, such as hospitals,
senior living/nursing homes, clinics, first responders,
day care centers, mass transportation, aviation,
commercial buildings and industrial facilities.

Due to the current crisis, our services are in high
demand and product availability may be limited.