Our Diamond clients receive the highest level of protection SafeHaven Pest Control offers. Our exclusive Diamond clients receive all the protection of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald as well as two In2Care mosquito traps that we install, and maintain monthly as part of the Diamond program.
Animal control is also part of the protection plan so if at anytime raccoons, possums, skunks, or even honey bees need to be removed or controlled from inside your home SafeHaven Pest Control does it quickly at no additional charge. We also protect the home by doing animal and rodent exclusion services to ensure that critters stay out.
Diamond Bundle Pest Control Includes:
- Roof Rats
- Norway Rats
- Mice
- 2 All Natural Mosquito Traps
- German roaches
- American roaches
- Brown-banded roaches
- Oriental roaches
- Smoky brown roaches
- Argentine ants
- Ghost ants
- Odorous house ants
- Acrobat ants
- Fire ants
- Carpenter ants
- Squirrels
- Raccoons
- Possums
- Skunks
- Other Wildlife
- Brown Recluse
- Black Widow
- Jumping spiders
- Wolf spiders
- House spiders
- Spitting spiders
- Indian Meal Moths
- Weevils
- Pantry beetles
- Silverfish
- Crickets
- Millipedes
- Centipedes
- Sow bugs
- Pill bugs
- Earwigs
- Boxelder bugs
- Scorpions
- Wasps
SafeHaven Pest Control is a Certified Sentricon Specialist. Termites can do a lot of expensive damage to your home in a short amount of time. It’s important to eliminate the queen if you want to eliminate the infestation.
Here at SafeHaven, we employ the most effective and environmentally friendly termite elimination program available. Watch our video for more information about the Sentricon System and what to expect from your service provider.
Initial fee: $299
And a 2 year agreement.
Initial fee: $399
And a 1 year agreement.